VIDEO: The Preamble Defines Our Mission

The Preamble




Schoolchildren are made to recite the Preamble.


They may not fully understand what they’re saying, but the founders wanted us to comprehend what they bled for on the battlefield, and then debated at the conference table, for a decade and a half. The Constitution’s Preamble sets America’s national purpose. It’s our mission, handed down from our forefathers, who knew that the future would involve complex problems in a large and diverse society.


As contemporary Americans grapple with tough issues, it is urgent that we stay loyal to the societal architecture we were bequeathed. The US Constitution is nothing less than the blueprint of a successful society.


The Preamble gives the country the bottom line. Make it yours too.


The Preamble breaks it down


History is a guide. To know a person is to know her or his memories. The same is true of nations.


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